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Why are you crying?

It’s all good, so no worries, no worries.

You see, sometimes you can trust a person

and then when things are down they forget about you.

Smile for me tomorrow.


Módearfoþ (Grief of Mind in Old English), an excerpt from The Sirens of the Last Age, evokes the thoughts and the inner dialogue of a man bereaved by the loss of his wife with whom he exchanged a fragment of his soul. She is almost his alter-ego. Trying to break free himself from the guilt of being unable to save her, he created the Sirens, creatures half-woman, half-bird.


Extrait du spectacle Les Sirènes du Dernier Age, Módearfoþ (Chagrin de l’esprit en vieil anglais) évoque les pensées et le dialogue intérieur d’un homme endeuillé par la perte de sa femme. Cette dernière, avec qui il a échangé un fragment de son âme, est presque son alter-ego ; c’est pour tenter de se libérer de la culpabilité de n’avoir pu la sauver qu’il créera les sirènes, créatures mi-femme, mi-oiseau.

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